I don't know how but class revolved around sex yet again. Some guy brought up "freaks" and what is considered normal sexual behavior. I think that we'd be able to come up with a definition if everyone was more comfortable talking about their kinks. Of course amongst a group of people, I am not so I said nothing. What is the relevance of that anyway? It's called preference for a reason. It has nothing to do with normal. Anyway, it was pretty funny and I am scheduled to run lines with Farrington tomorrow during my break. He said "During the last show, Terri locked me in a room and slapped me around until I learned my lines. And I want you to do it again." Ah the jokes, the jokes.
Also, I don't know why I feel like crap today. Sinuses I reckon but still. My head is so congested and everything aches. Don't like it at all. Nor do I like having a denist appointment tomorrow with a guy I don't know . . . bahh dentists.
Guys at the other side of the room are talking about ladies . . It's really annoying and piggy.
вторник, 16 октября 2007 г.
my_ancient_eyes: I wonder what she looks like. . . naked. I mean-- I wonder what she cooks like . . . naked.
cheriegirl: Lust. Caution
the 9 minutes must be recovered! HAHAHAH. i'm not kidding. i will get hold of te 9 minutes!
anyhows, today my inner rebel streak was developed to its fullest potential. we conveniently walked out of school for lunch at j8, without the intention of watching the movie initially, but somehow, we got round to doing so. and i didn't regret it at all. (but i bet Julian did. he realized it was a Chinese movie after the 4 women played mahjong for 4 whole minutes -____________-)
so the movie. wah it is a SUPER slow movie. like Brokeback Mountain. if i was sleepy, i would have slept half the show away. and probably wake up only at the not-even-sex sex scenes. okay i'm kidding. the 'sex' scenes weren't even whatever 'sex' scenes. after they cut it all out.
but, because i was awake the ENTIRE time, the show is actually very intriguing! it is so deep, i was still thinking about it at night. as in the show was still at the forefront of my thoughts. that's why i say my withdrawal symptoms of ANYTHING is very serious one! ><
Julian doesn't think it's deep, but i think so. so whatever hahaha. it was so exciting at some parts! :D and Leehom was just... just. simply. hyperventilatable. really. everytime he came out, my breath was caught. LOL serious! i'm not kidding. i haven't seen Leehom for so long. haha luckily got BFF there to hyperventilate with me lol. okay actually she didn't - only i did, fine -______-
but the ending was so expected yet i didn't expect it. aiya watch it and you'll get what i mean.
after the movie, we adjourned to eat - again. cos it was raining and all. then we laughed so much. we being Oli, HY, Mel and Julian.
then my Comm meeting was cancelled, and so Mummy came to fetch me, and BFF came to my house, since we wanted to continue our delinquent streak.
we watched Secret, and many other shows. Secret is another nice show omg. if i were in the cinema, i would have cried. but i think Lakehouse was nicer. i don't know haha! (:
BFF just went home not too long ago. i need to settle some stuff about the Comm thing, and i really yao shui jiao le.
okay. TYL cannot be such a rebel anymore. TYL cannot let her mood decide her physical actions (eg: ponning) anymore. TYL has to start being a good girl and go to school (except Thurs cos the lessons are really SO bangsai i think i might just kick myself for going) and read her lecture notes.
okay! word of the day: DELINQUENT :D:D
goodnight and byebye! (:
This entry is an acct of the days leading up to and beyond the play party and munch on sat. There are some details but not a blow by blow of the play. I was there I don't need a blow by blow.
Hello folks
There has been something missing from this journal the last few days. I have found it hard to write about the planning for the BB after party. Im not sure why. I mean it would be easy to say it was because I was worried about her reading it. Im not sure if that's the only reason though.
Wed - I got the bag out and cleaned the toys as best I could. I got a spray bottle and used a 1 part bleach 9 part water solution and sprayed everything, and wiped each thing down with a damp cloth. I don't know if that did a perfect job, but it was the best I could do.
Friday - I spoke to babygirl -- really it was sat morning really early and one of the last things she said was that she might play with BD when she saw him. My stomach gets tight just thinking about it now. Sighs - on some level I think the minute I don't care at all with whom she plays or if she plays with others at all will truly be the moment we are done as a couple. When she called on the way to school she found out that her sister wasn't going to be there and she was counting on money from her to be able to go to see BD. She said she wasn't going. I figured that either she would still meet up with her sister or the BD would give her the money or he would meet somewhere close to where she was and they would talk in the car.
I shaved my head that morning and nicked myself pretty good. The day was not starting well. I took the boys to karate and met cindy after for lunch at hometown buffet. After I finished my "first plate" Tyler decided projectile vomiting would be fun, not once not twice, but three times as I rushed him toward the bathroom.
Needless to say my stomach decided it wanted no more food. I soon noticed that in addition to the wall the floor and a waiter or two, tyler had also redecorated my boots. As we were leaving I saw that she had sent a text msg saying that she was there. -- More stomach flops-- We stopped to gas up both cars as we left and decided to get arnett some pants at sears -- in the men's department. No more boys sizes for my "little" man. The trip to the store was typical.
[Insert typical tantrum from arnett here]
[Insert typical insensitive remark from cindy here]
On my way home she pm' ed me again saying she was leaving.
I told her she could call and as I parked we talked for quite a while. It was a hard talk but a good one. It was a very hard talk. I don't think Ill ever be simply "ok" with her playing. I would much rather be able to be there however often our needs required. Once a month, anything would be better than once every couple of yrs and/or someone else putting their hands on her. My feelings aside from what she said then and since it was a good experience for her.
After we spoke I get home and start getting ready -- gotta clean "tyler" off my boots. I manage to loose my keys and get frantic before finding them. When I do get going I run into heavy traffic. It turned out ok though. Babygirl called and we spoke until I got there. A new bit of info, she told me that she got nude when she played. That was hard to hear because it was something that I had said was a limit. I understand -- EVEN IF I STILL DONT LIKE IT -- why though. Finally I arrive at the munch and see lots of friendly faces ,old friends and soon to be friends. I spoke to Vi Johnson -- Im still green enough to get a kick out of her calling me sir. "Ole Girl" is already there talking to Momma Vi. We say hello but its so crowded that we have to sit apart. Another sub sits beside me at my table and we talk until "ole girl" makes her way over to an adjoining table. I excuse myself and sit down to talk to her. I see that she is drinking.
[insert prior talk on topic]
After that is settled its soon time for the play party -- Once there folks are annoyed -- Its a small small place. Most sit around and pout or go home. Slo did a pretty good rope demo -- in a style I really want to use on babygirl so I asked a lot of questions. When it was done "ole girl" and I played. It was very hard to focus at first. I stopped took a deep breath and relaxed. It was a good scene. I think so anyway. Except for the chair someone moved close after I started and snagged the flogger on. That was annoying but funny. When we were done she didn't need much after care. I helped her get her stuff together and we talked a bit and I was on my merry way. I cant ignore the good feelings I had during and after the scene. The one thing that was hard was how deeply I wanted to have sex. Not with "ole girl" just general horniness. I know Im not alone but a good bdsm scene is as good as any porno of raw wild sex.
When I checked my phone I saw that she was concerned and checking on me. That put a huge smile on my face. We talked all the way home and for over 30 mins as I was parked. Looking back I spent more time on the phone with her then I would normally on a sat. Mon we were talking while she was on her way to work. When she arrived she read a post about the munch and went into "novel" mode. I knew that she was posting to journal -- when she told me she had I read it. She put her feelings out there and there is no need to rehash them here. We did speak about them some --and Ill leave it at that for now. We are communicating which is the greatest.
cheriegirl: Lust. Caution
the 9 minutes must be recovered! HAHAHAH. i'm not kidding. i will get hold of te 9 minutes!
anyhows, today my inner rebel streak was developed to its fullest potential. we conveniently walked out of school for lunch at j8, without the intention of watching the movie initially, but somehow, we got round to doing so. and i didn't regret it at all. (but i bet Julian did. he realized it was a Chinese movie after the 4 women played mahjong for 4 whole minutes -____________-)
so the movie. wah it is a SUPER slow movie. like Brokeback Mountain. if i was sleepy, i would have slept half the show away. and probably wake up only at the not-even-sex sex scenes. okay i'm kidding. the 'sex' scenes weren't even whatever 'sex' scenes. after they cut it all out.
but, because i was awake the ENTIRE time, the show is actually very intriguing! it is so deep, i was still thinking about it at night. as in the show was still at the forefront of my thoughts. that's why i say my withdrawal symptoms of ANYTHING is very serious one! ><
Julian doesn't think it's deep, but i think so. so whatever hahaha. it was so exciting at some parts! :D and Leehom was just... just. simply. hyperventilatable. really. everytime he came out, my breath was caught. LOL serious! i'm not kidding. i haven't seen Leehom for so long. haha luckily got BFF there to hyperventilate with me lol. okay actually she didn't - only i did, fine -______-
but the ending was so expected yet i didn't expect it. aiya watch it and you'll get what i mean.
after the movie, we adjourned to eat - again. cos it was raining and all. then we laughed so much. we being Oli, HY, Mel and Julian.
then my Comm meeting was cancelled, and so Mummy came to fetch me, and BFF came to my house, since we wanted to continue our delinquent streak.
we watched Secret, and many other shows. Secret is another nice show omg. if i were in the cinema, i would have cried. but i think Lakehouse was nicer. i don't know haha! (:
BFF just went home not too long ago. i need to settle some stuff about the Comm thing, and i really yao shui jiao le.
okay. TYL cannot be such a rebel anymore. TYL cannot let her mood decide her physical actions (eg: ponning) anymore. TYL has to start being a good girl and go to school (except Thurs cos the lessons are really SO bangsai i think i might just kick myself for going) and read her lecture notes.
okay! word of the day: DELINQUENT :D:D
goodnight and byebye! (:
This entry is an acct of the days leading up to and beyond the play party and munch on sat. There are some details but not a blow by blow of the play. I was there I don't need a blow by blow.
Hello folks
There has been something missing from this journal the last few days. I have found it hard to write about the planning for the BB after party. Im not sure why. I mean it would be easy to say it was because I was worried about her reading it. Im not sure if that's the only reason though.
Wed - I got the bag out and cleaned the toys as best I could. I got a spray bottle and used a 1 part bleach 9 part water solution and sprayed everything, and wiped each thing down with a damp cloth. I don't know if that did a perfect job, but it was the best I could do.
Friday - I spoke to babygirl -- really it was sat morning really early and one of the last things she said was that she might play with BD when she saw him. My stomach gets tight just thinking about it now. Sighs - on some level I think the minute I don't care at all with whom she plays or if she plays with others at all will truly be the moment we are done as a couple. When she called on the way to school she found out that her sister wasn't going to be there and she was counting on money from her to be able to go to see BD. She said she wasn't going. I figured that either she would still meet up with her sister or the BD would give her the money or he would meet somewhere close to where she was and they would talk in the car.
I shaved my head that morning and nicked myself pretty good. The day was not starting well. I took the boys to karate and met cindy after for lunch at hometown buffet. After I finished my "first plate" Tyler decided projectile vomiting would be fun, not once not twice, but three times as I rushed him toward the bathroom.
Needless to say my stomach decided it wanted no more food. I soon noticed that in addition to the wall the floor and a waiter or two, tyler had also redecorated my boots. As we were leaving I saw that she had sent a text msg saying that she was there. -- More stomach flops-- We stopped to gas up both cars as we left and decided to get arnett some pants at sears -- in the men's department. No more boys sizes for my "little" man. The trip to the store was typical.
[Insert typical tantrum from arnett here]
[Insert typical insensitive remark from cindy here]
On my way home she pm' ed me again saying she was leaving.
I told her she could call and as I parked we talked for quite a while. It was a hard talk but a good one. It was a very hard talk. I don't think Ill ever be simply "ok" with her playing. I would much rather be able to be there however often our needs required. Once a month, anything would be better than once every couple of yrs and/or someone else putting their hands on her. My feelings aside from what she said then and since it was a good experience for her.
After we spoke I get home and start getting ready -- gotta clean "tyler" off my boots. I manage to loose my keys and get frantic before finding them. When I do get going I run into heavy traffic. It turned out ok though. Babygirl called and we spoke until I got there. A new bit of info, she told me that she got nude when she played. That was hard to hear because it was something that I had said was a limit. I understand -- EVEN IF I STILL DONT LIKE IT -- why though. Finally I arrive at the munch and see lots of friendly faces ,old friends and soon to be friends. I spoke to Vi Johnson -- Im still green enough to get a kick out of her calling me sir. "Ole Girl" is already there talking to Momma Vi. We say hello but its so crowded that we have to sit apart. Another sub sits beside me at my table and we talk until "ole girl" makes her way over to an adjoining table. I excuse myself and sit down to talk to her. I see that she is drinking.
[insert prior talk on topic]
After that is settled its soon time for the play party -- Once there folks are annoyed -- Its a small small place. Most sit around and pout or go home. Slo did a pretty good rope demo -- in a style I really want to use on babygirl so I asked a lot of questions. When it was done "ole girl" and I played. It was very hard to focus at first. I stopped took a deep breath and relaxed. It was a good scene. I think so anyway. Except for the chair someone moved close after I started and snagged the flogger on. That was annoying but funny. When we were done she didn't need much after care. I helped her get her stuff together and we talked a bit and I was on my merry way. I cant ignore the good feelings I had during and after the scene. The one thing that was hard was how deeply I wanted to have sex. Not with "ole girl" just general horniness. I know Im not alone but a good bdsm scene is as good as any porno of raw wild sex.
When I checked my phone I saw that she was concerned and checking on me. That put a huge smile on my face. We talked all the way home and for over 30 mins as I was parked. Looking back I spent more time on the phone with her then I would normally on a sat. Mon we were talking while she was on her way to work. When she arrived she read a post about the munch and went into "novel" mode. I knew that she was posting to journal -- when she told me she had I read it. She put her feelings out there and there is no need to rehash them here. We did speak about them some --and Ill leave it at that for now. We are communicating which is the greatest.
cheriegirl: Lust. Caution
the 9 minutes must be recovered! HAHAHAH. i'm not kidding. i will get hold of te 9 minutes!
anyhows, today my inner rebel streak was developed to its fullest potential. we conveniently walked out of school for lunch at j8, without the intention of watching the movie initially, but somehow, we got round to doing so. and i didn't regret it at all. (but i bet Julian did. he realized it was a Chinese movie after the 4 women played mahjong for 4 whole minutes -____________-)
so the movie. wah it is a SUPER slow movie. like Brokeback Mountain. if i was sleepy, i would have slept half the show away. and probably wake up only at the not-even-sex sex scenes. okay i'm kidding. the 'sex' scenes weren't even whatever 'sex' scenes. after they cut it all out.
but, because i was awake the ENTIRE time, the show is actually very intriguing! it is so deep, i was still thinking about it at night. as in the show was still at the forefront of my thoughts. that's why i say my withdrawal symptoms of ANYTHING is very serious one! ><
Julian doesn't think it's deep, but i think so. so whatever hahaha. it was so exciting at some parts! :D and Leehom was just... just. simply. hyperventilatable. really. everytime he came out, my breath was caught. LOL serious! i'm not kidding. i haven't seen Leehom for so long. haha luckily got BFF there to hyperventilate with me lol. okay actually she didn't - only i did, fine -______-
but the ending was so expected yet i didn't expect it. aiya watch it and you'll get what i mean.
after the movie, we adjourned to eat - again. cos it was raining and all. then we laughed so much. we being Oli, HY, Mel and Julian.
then my Comm meeting was cancelled, and so Mummy came to fetch me, and BFF came to my house, since we wanted to continue our delinquent streak.
we watched Secret, and many other shows. Secret is another nice show omg. if i were in the cinema, i would have cried. but i think Lakehouse was nicer. i don't know haha! (:
BFF just went home not too long ago. i need to settle some stuff about the Comm thing, and i really yao shui jiao le.
okay. TYL cannot be such a rebel anymore. TYL cannot let her mood decide her physical actions (eg: ponning) anymore. TYL has to start being a good girl and go to school (except Thurs cos the lessons are really SO bangsai i think i might just kick myself for going) and read her lecture notes.
okay! word of the day: DELINQUENT :D:D
goodnight and byebye! (:
This entry is an acct of the days leading up to and beyond the play party and munch on sat. There are some details but not a blow by blow of the play. I was there I don't need a blow by blow.
Hello folks
There has been something missing from this journal the last few days. I have found it hard to write about the planning for the BB after party. Im not sure why. I mean it would be easy to say it was because I was worried about her reading it. Im not sure if that's the only reason though.
Wed - I got the bag out and cleaned the toys as best I could. I got a spray bottle and used a 1 part bleach 9 part water solution and sprayed everything, and wiped each thing down with a damp cloth. I don't know if that did a perfect job, but it was the best I could do.
Friday - I spoke to babygirl -- really it was sat morning really early and one of the last things she said was that she might play with BD when she saw him. My stomach gets tight just thinking about it now. Sighs - on some level I think the minute I don't care at all with whom she plays or if she plays with others at all will truly be the moment we are done as a couple. When she called on the way to school she found out that her sister wasn't going to be there and she was counting on money from her to be able to go to see BD. She said she wasn't going. I figured that either she would still meet up with her sister or the BD would give her the money or he would meet somewhere close to where she was and they would talk in the car.
I shaved my head that morning and nicked myself pretty good. The day was not starting well. I took the boys to karate and met cindy after for lunch at hometown buffet. After I finished my "first plate" Tyler decided projectile vomiting would be fun, not once not twice, but three times as I rushed him toward the bathroom.
Needless to say my stomach decided it wanted no more food. I soon noticed that in addition to the wall the floor and a waiter or two, tyler had also redecorated my boots. As we were leaving I saw that she had sent a text msg saying that she was there. -- More stomach flops-- We stopped to gas up both cars as we left and decided to get arnett some pants at sears -- in the men's department. No more boys sizes for my "little" man. The trip to the store was typical.
[Insert typical tantrum from arnett here]
[Insert typical insensitive remark from cindy here]
On my way home she pm' ed me again saying she was leaving.
I told her she could call and as I parked we talked for quite a while. It was a hard talk but a good one. It was a very hard talk. I don't think Ill ever be simply "ok" with her playing. I would much rather be able to be there however often our needs required. Once a month, anything would be better than once every couple of yrs and/or someone else putting their hands on her. My feelings aside from what she said then and since it was a good experience for her.
After we spoke I get home and start getting ready -- gotta clean "tyler" off my boots. I manage to loose my keys and get frantic before finding them. When I do get going I run into heavy traffic. It turned out ok though. Babygirl called and we spoke until I got there. A new bit of info, she told me that she got nude when she played. That was hard to hear because it was something that I had said was a limit. I understand -- EVEN IF I STILL DONT LIKE IT -- why though. Finally I arrive at the munch and see lots of friendly faces ,old friends and soon to be friends. I spoke to Vi Johnson -- Im still green enough to get a kick out of her calling me sir. "Ole Girl" is already there talking to Momma Vi. We say hello but its so crowded that we have to sit apart. Another sub sits beside me at my table and we talk until "ole girl" makes her way over to an adjoining table. I excuse myself and sit down to talk to her. I see that she is drinking.
[insert prior talk on topic]
After that is settled its soon time for the play party -- Once there folks are annoyed -- Its a small small place. Most sit around and pout or go home. Slo did a pretty good rope demo -- in a style I really want to use on babygirl so I asked a lot of questions. When it was done "ole girl" and I played. It was very hard to focus at first. I stopped took a deep breath and relaxed. It was a good scene. I think so anyway. Except for the chair someone moved close after I started and snagged the flogger on. That was annoying but funny. When we were done she didn't need much after care. I helped her get her stuff together and we talked a bit and I was on my merry way. I cant ignore the good feelings I had during and after the scene. The one thing that was hard was how deeply I wanted to have sex. Not with "ole girl" just general horniness. I know Im not alone but a good bdsm scene is as good as any porno of raw wild sex.
When I checked my phone I saw that she was concerned and checking on me. That put a huge smile on my face. We talked all the way home and for over 30 mins as I was parked. Looking back I spent more time on the phone with her then I would normally on a sat. Mon we were talking while she was on her way to work. When she arrived she read a post about the munch and went into "novel" mode. I knew that she was posting to journal -- when she told me she had I read it. She put her feelings out there and there is no need to rehash them here. We did speak about them some --and Ill leave it at that for now. We are communicating which is the greatest.
cheriegirl: Lust. Caution
the 9 minutes must be recovered! HAHAHAH. i'm not kidding. i will get hold of te 9 minutes!
anyhows, today my inner rebel streak was developed to its fullest potential. we conveniently walked out of school for lunch at j8, without the intention of watching the movie initially, but somehow, we got round to doing so. and i didn't regret it at all. (but i bet Julian did. he realized it was a Chinese movie after the 4 women played mahjong for 4 whole minutes -____________-)
so the movie. wah it is a SUPER slow movie. like Brokeback Mountain. if i was sleepy, i would have slept half the show away. and probably wake up only at the not-even-sex sex scenes. okay i'm kidding. the 'sex' scenes weren't even whatever 'sex' scenes. after they cut it all out.
but, because i was awake the ENTIRE time, the show is actually very intriguing! it is so deep, i was still thinking about it at night. as in the show was still at the forefront of my thoughts. that's why i say my withdrawal symptoms of ANYTHING is very serious one! ><
Julian doesn't think it's deep, but i think so. so whatever hahaha. it was so exciting at some parts! :D and Leehom was just... just. simply. hyperventilatable. really. everytime he came out, my breath was caught. LOL serious! i'm not kidding. i haven't seen Leehom for so long. haha luckily got BFF there to hyperventilate with me lol. okay actually she didn't - only i did, fine -______-
but the ending was so expected yet i didn't expect it. aiya watch it and you'll get what i mean.
after the movie, we adjourned to eat - again. cos it was raining and all. then we laughed so much. we being Oli, HY, Mel and Julian.
then my Comm meeting was cancelled, and so Mummy came to fetch me, and BFF came to my house, since we wanted to continue our delinquent streak.
we watched Secret, and many other shows. Secret is another nice show omg. if i were in the cinema, i would have cried. but i think Lakehouse was nicer. i don't know haha! (:
BFF just went home not too long ago. i need to settle some stuff about the Comm thing, and i really yao shui jiao le.
okay. TYL cannot be such a rebel anymore. TYL cannot let her mood decide her physical actions (eg: ponning) anymore. TYL has to start being a good girl and go to school (except Thurs cos the lessons are really SO bangsai i think i might just kick myself for going) and read her lecture notes.
okay! word of the day: DELINQUENT :D:D
goodnight and byebye! (:
This entry is an acct of the days leading up to and beyond the play party and munch on sat. There are some details but not a blow by blow of the play. I was there I don't need a blow by blow.
Hello folks
There has been something missing from this journal the last few days. I have found it hard to write about the planning for the BB after party. Im not sure why. I mean it would be easy to say it was because I was worried about her reading it. Im not sure if that's the only reason though.
Wed - I got the bag out and cleaned the toys as best I could. I got a spray bottle and used a 1 part bleach 9 part water solution and sprayed everything, and wiped each thing down with a damp cloth. I don't know if that did a perfect job, but it was the best I could do.
Friday - I spoke to babygirl -- really it was sat morning really early and one of the last things she said was that she might play with BD when she saw him. My stomach gets tight just thinking about it now. Sighs - on some level I think the minute I don't care at all with whom she plays or if she plays with others at all will truly be the moment we are done as a couple. When she called on the way to school she found out that her sister wasn't going to be there and she was counting on money from her to be able to go to see BD. She said she wasn't going. I figured that either she would still meet up with her sister or the BD would give her the money or he would meet somewhere close to where she was and they would talk in the car.
I shaved my head that morning and nicked myself pretty good. The day was not starting well. I took the boys to karate and met cindy after for lunch at hometown buffet. After I finished my "first plate" Tyler decided projectile vomiting would be fun, not once not twice, but three times as I rushed him toward the bathroom.
Needless to say my stomach decided it wanted no more food. I soon noticed that in addition to the wall the floor and a waiter or two, tyler had also redecorated my boots. As we were leaving I saw that she had sent a text msg saying that she was there. -- More stomach flops-- We stopped to gas up both cars as we left and decided to get arnett some pants at sears -- in the men's department. No more boys sizes for my "little" man. The trip to the store was typical.
[Insert typical tantrum from arnett here]
[Insert typical insensitive remark from cindy here]
On my way home she pm' ed me again saying she was leaving.
I told her she could call and as I parked we talked for quite a while. It was a hard talk but a good one. It was a very hard talk. I don't think Ill ever be simply "ok" with her playing. I would much rather be able to be there however often our needs required. Once a month, anything would be better than once every couple of yrs and/or someone else putting their hands on her. My feelings aside from what she said then and since it was a good experience for her.
After we spoke I get home and start getting ready -- gotta clean "tyler" off my boots. I manage to loose my keys and get frantic before finding them. When I do get going I run into heavy traffic. It turned out ok though. Babygirl called and we spoke until I got there. A new bit of info, she told me that she got nude when she played. That was hard to hear because it was something that I had said was a limit. I understand -- EVEN IF I STILL DONT LIKE IT -- why though. Finally I arrive at the munch and see lots of friendly faces ,old friends and soon to be friends. I spoke to Vi Johnson -- Im still green enough to get a kick out of her calling me sir. "Ole Girl" is already there talking to Momma Vi. We say hello but its so crowded that we have to sit apart. Another sub sits beside me at my table and we talk until "ole girl" makes her way over to an adjoining table. I excuse myself and sit down to talk to her. I see that she is drinking.
[insert prior talk on topic]
After that is settled its soon time for the play party -- Once there folks are annoyed -- Its a small small place. Most sit around and pout or go home. Slo did a pretty good rope demo -- in a style I really want to use on babygirl so I asked a lot of questions. When it was done "ole girl" and I played. It was very hard to focus at first. I stopped took a deep breath and relaxed. It was a good scene. I think so anyway. Except for the chair someone moved close after I started and snagged the flogger on. That was annoying but funny. When we were done she didn't need much after care. I helped her get her stuff together and we talked a bit and I was on my merry way. I cant ignore the good feelings I had during and after the scene. The one thing that was hard was how deeply I wanted to have sex. Not with "ole girl" just general horniness. I know Im not alone but a good bdsm scene is as good as any porno of raw wild sex.
When I checked my phone I saw that she was concerned and checking on me. That put a huge smile on my face. We talked all the way home and for over 30 mins as I was parked. Looking back I spent more time on the phone with her then I would normally on a sat. Mon we were talking while she was on her way to work. When she arrived she read a post about the munch and went into "novel" mode. I knew that she was posting to journal -- when she told me she had I read it. She put her feelings out there and there is no need to rehash them here. We did speak about them some --and Ill leave it at that for now. We are communicating which is the greatest.
cheriegirl: Lust. Caution
the 9 minutes must be recovered! HAHAHAH. i'm not kidding. i will get hold of te 9 minutes!
anyhows, today my inner rebel streak was developed to its fullest potential. we conveniently walked out of school for lunch at j8, without the intention of watching the movie initially, but somehow, we got round to doing so. and i didn't regret it at all. (but i bet Julian did. he realized it was a Chinese movie after the 4 women played mahjong for 4 whole minutes -____________-)
so the movie. wah it is a SUPER slow movie. like Brokeback Mountain. if i was sleepy, i would have slept half the show away. and probably wake up only at the not-even-sex sex scenes. okay i'm kidding. the 'sex' scenes weren't even whatever 'sex' scenes. after they cut it all out.
but, because i was awake the ENTIRE time, the show is actually very intriguing! it is so deep, i was still thinking about it at night. as in the show was still at the forefront of my thoughts. that's why i say my withdrawal symptoms of ANYTHING is very serious one! ><
Julian doesn't think it's deep, but i think so. so whatever hahaha. it was so exciting at some parts! :D and Leehom was just... just. simply. hyperventilatable. really. everytime he came out, my breath was caught. LOL serious! i'm not kidding. i haven't seen Leehom for so long. haha luckily got BFF there to hyperventilate with me lol. okay actually she didn't - only i did, fine -______-
but the ending was so expected yet i didn't expect it. aiya watch it and you'll get what i mean.
after the movie, we adjourned to eat - again. cos it was raining and all. then we laughed so much. we being Oli, HY, Mel and Julian.
then my Comm meeting was cancelled, and so Mummy came to fetch me, and BFF came to my house, since we wanted to continue our delinquent streak.
we watched Secret, and many other shows. Secret is another nice show omg. if i were in the cinema, i would have cried. but i think Lakehouse was nicer. i don't know haha! (:
BFF just went home not too long ago. i need to settle some stuff about the Comm thing, and i really yao shui jiao le.
okay. TYL cannot be such a rebel anymore. TYL cannot let her mood decide her physical actions (eg: ponning) anymore. TYL has to start being a good girl and go to school (except Thurs cos the lessons are really SO bangsai i think i might just kick myself for going) and read her lecture notes.
okay! word of the day: DELINQUENT :D:D
goodnight and byebye! (:
This entry is an acct of the days leading up to and beyond the play party and munch on sat. There are some details but not a blow by blow of the play. I was there I don't need a blow by blow.
Hello folks
There has been something missing from this journal the last few days. I have found it hard to write about the planning for the BB after party. Im not sure why. I mean it would be easy to say it was because I was worried about her reading it. Im not sure if that's the only reason though.
Wed - I got the bag out and cleaned the toys as best I could. I got a spray bottle and used a 1 part bleach 9 part water solution and sprayed everything, and wiped each thing down with a damp cloth. I don't know if that did a perfect job, but it was the best I could do.
Friday - I spoke to babygirl -- really it was sat morning really early and one of the last things she said was that she might play with BD when she saw him. My stomach gets tight just thinking about it now. Sighs - on some level I think the minute I don't care at all with whom she plays or if she plays with others at all will truly be the moment we are done as a couple. When she called on the way to school she found out that her sister wasn't going to be there and she was counting on money from her to be able to go to see BD. She said she wasn't going. I figured that either she would still meet up with her sister or the BD would give her the money or he would meet somewhere close to where she was and they would talk in the car.
I shaved my head that morning and nicked myself pretty good. The day was not starting well. I took the boys to karate and met cindy after for lunch at hometown buffet. After I finished my "first plate" Tyler decided projectile vomiting would be fun, not once not twice, but three times as I rushed him toward the bathroom.
Needless to say my stomach decided it wanted no more food. I soon noticed that in addition to the wall the floor and a waiter or two, tyler had also redecorated my boots. As we were leaving I saw that she had sent a text msg saying that she was there. -- More stomach flops-- We stopped to gas up both cars as we left and decided to get arnett some pants at sears -- in the men's department. No more boys sizes for my "little" man. The trip to the store was typical.
[Insert typical tantrum from arnett here]
[Insert typical insensitive remark from cindy here]
On my way home she pm' ed me again saying she was leaving.
I told her she could call and as I parked we talked for quite a while. It was a hard talk but a good one. It was a very hard talk. I don't think Ill ever be simply "ok" with her playing. I would much rather be able to be there however often our needs required. Once a month, anything would be better than once every couple of yrs and/or someone else putting their hands on her. My feelings aside from what she said then and since it was a good experience for her.
After we spoke I get home and start getting ready -- gotta clean "tyler" off my boots. I manage to loose my keys and get frantic before finding them. When I do get going I run into heavy traffic. It turned out ok though. Babygirl called and we spoke until I got there. A new bit of info, she told me that she got nude when she played. That was hard to hear because it was something that I had said was a limit. I understand -- EVEN IF I STILL DONT LIKE IT -- why though. Finally I arrive at the munch and see lots of friendly faces ,old friends and soon to be friends. I spoke to Vi Johnson -- Im still green enough to get a kick out of her calling me sir. "Ole Girl" is already there talking to Momma Vi. We say hello but its so crowded that we have to sit apart. Another sub sits beside me at my table and we talk until "ole girl" makes her way over to an adjoining table. I excuse myself and sit down to talk to her. I see that she is drinking.
[insert prior talk on topic]
After that is settled its soon time for the play party -- Once there folks are annoyed -- Its a small small place. Most sit around and pout or go home. Slo did a pretty good rope demo -- in a style I really want to use on babygirl so I asked a lot of questions. When it was done "ole girl" and I played. It was very hard to focus at first. I stopped took a deep breath and relaxed. It was a good scene. I think so anyway. Except for the chair someone moved close after I started and snagged the flogger on. That was annoying but funny. When we were done she didn't need much after care. I helped her get her stuff together and we talked a bit and I was on my merry way. I cant ignore the good feelings I had during and after the scene. The one thing that was hard was how deeply I wanted to have sex. Not with "ole girl" just general horniness. I know Im not alone but a good bdsm scene is as good as any porno of raw wild sex.
When I checked my phone I saw that she was concerned and checking on me. That put a huge smile on my face. We talked all the way home and for over 30 mins as I was parked. Looking back I spent more time on the phone with her then I would normally on a sat. Mon we were talking while she was on her way to work. When she arrived she read a post about the munch and went into "novel" mode. I knew that she was posting to journal -- when she told me she had I read it. She put her feelings out there and there is no need to rehash them here. We did speak about them some --and Ill leave it at that for now. We are communicating which is the greatest.
cheriegirl: Lust. Caution
the 9 minutes must be recovered! HAHAHAH. i'm not kidding. i will get hold of te 9 minutes!
anyhows, today my inner rebel streak was developed to its fullest potential. we conveniently walked out of school for lunch at j8, without the intention of watching the movie initially, but somehow, we got round to doing so. and i didn't regret it at all. (but i bet Julian did. he realized it was a Chinese movie after the 4 women played mahjong for 4 whole minutes -____________-)
so the movie. wah it is a SUPER slow movie. like Brokeback Mountain. if i was sleepy, i would have slept half the show away. and probably wake up only at the not-even-sex sex scenes. okay i'm kidding. the 'sex' scenes weren't even whatever 'sex' scenes. after they cut it all out.
but, because i was awake the ENTIRE time, the show is actually very intriguing! it is so deep, i was still thinking about it at night. as in the show was still at the forefront of my thoughts. that's why i say my withdrawal symptoms of ANYTHING is very serious one! ><
Julian doesn't think it's deep, but i think so. so whatever hahaha. it was so exciting at some parts! :D and Leehom was just... just. simply. hyperventilatable. really. everytime he came out, my breath was caught. LOL serious! i'm not kidding. i haven't seen Leehom for so long. haha luckily got BFF there to hyperventilate with me lol. okay actually she didn't - only i did, fine -______-
but the ending was so expected yet i didn't expect it. aiya watch it and you'll get what i mean.
after the movie, we adjourned to eat - again. cos it was raining and all. then we laughed so much. we being Oli, HY, Mel and Julian.
then my Comm meeting was cancelled, and so Mummy came to fetch me, and BFF came to my house, since we wanted to continue our delinquent streak.
we watched Secret, and many other shows. Secret is another nice show omg. if i were in the cinema, i would have cried. but i think Lakehouse was nicer. i don't know haha! (:
BFF just went home not too long ago. i need to settle some stuff about the Comm thing, and i really yao shui jiao le.
okay. TYL cannot be such a rebel anymore. TYL cannot let her mood decide her physical actions (eg: ponning) anymore. TYL has to start being a good girl and go to school (except Thurs cos the lessons are really SO bangsai i think i might just kick myself for going) and read her lecture notes.
okay! word of the day: DELINQUENT :D:D
goodnight and byebye! (:
This entry is an acct of the days leading up to and beyond the play party and munch on sat. There are some details but not a blow by blow of the play. I was there I don't need a blow by blow.
Hello folks
There has been something missing from this journal the last few days. I have found it hard to write about the planning for the BB after party. Im not sure why. I mean it would be easy to say it was because I was worried about her reading it. Im not sure if that's the only reason though.
Wed - I got the bag out and cleaned the toys as best I could. I got a spray bottle and used a 1 part bleach 9 part water solution and sprayed everything, and wiped each thing down with a damp cloth. I don't know if that did a perfect job, but it was the best I could do.
Friday - I spoke to babygirl -- really it was sat morning really early and one of the last things she said was that she might play with BD when she saw him. My stomach gets tight just thinking about it now. Sighs - on some level I think the minute I don't care at all with whom she plays or if she plays with others at all will truly be the moment we are done as a couple. When she called on the way to school she found out that her sister wasn't going to be there and she was counting on money from her to be able to go to see BD. She said she wasn't going. I figured that either she would still meet up with her sister or the BD would give her the money or he would meet somewhere close to where she was and they would talk in the car.
I shaved my head that morning and nicked myself pretty good. The day was not starting well. I took the boys to karate and met cindy after for lunch at hometown buffet. After I finished my "first plate" Tyler decided projectile vomiting would be fun, not once not twice, but three times as I rushed him toward the bathroom.
Needless to say my stomach decided it wanted no more food. I soon noticed that in addition to the wall the floor and a waiter or two, tyler had also redecorated my boots. As we were leaving I saw that she had sent a text msg saying that she was there. -- More stomach flops-- We stopped to gas up both cars as we left and decided to get arnett some pants at sears -- in the men's department. No more boys sizes for my "little" man. The trip to the store was typical.
[Insert typical tantrum from arnett here]
[Insert typical insensitive remark from cindy here]
On my way home she pm' ed me again saying she was leaving.
I told her she could call and as I parked we talked for quite a while. It was a hard talk but a good one. It was a very hard talk. I don't think Ill ever be simply "ok" with her playing. I would much rather be able to be there however often our needs required. Once a month, anything would be better than once every couple of yrs and/or someone else putting their hands on her. My feelings aside from what she said then and since it was a good experience for her.
After we spoke I get home and start getting ready -- gotta clean "tyler" off my boots. I manage to loose my keys and get frantic before finding them. When I do get going I run into heavy traffic. It turned out ok though. Babygirl called and we spoke until I got there. A new bit of info, she told me that she got nude when she played. That was hard to hear because it was something that I had said was a limit. I understand -- EVEN IF I STILL DONT LIKE IT -- why though. Finally I arrive at the munch and see lots of friendly faces ,old friends and soon to be friends. I spoke to Vi Johnson -- Im still green enough to get a kick out of her calling me sir. "Ole Girl" is already there talking to Momma Vi. We say hello but its so crowded that we have to sit apart. Another sub sits beside me at my table and we talk until "ole girl" makes her way over to an adjoining table. I excuse myself and sit down to talk to her. I see that she is drinking.
[insert prior talk on topic]
After that is settled its soon time for the play party -- Once there folks are annoyed -- Its a small small place. Most sit around and pout or go home. Slo did a pretty good rope demo -- in a style I really want to use on babygirl so I asked a lot of questions. When it was done "ole girl" and I played. It was very hard to focus at first. I stopped took a deep breath and relaxed. It was a good scene. I think so anyway. Except for the chair someone moved close after I started and snagged the flogger on. That was annoying but funny. When we were done she didn't need much after care. I helped her get her stuff together and we talked a bit and I was on my merry way. I cant ignore the good feelings I had during and after the scene. The one thing that was hard was how deeply I wanted to have sex. Not with "ole girl" just general horniness. I know Im not alone but a good bdsm scene is as good as any porno of raw wild sex.
When I checked my phone I saw that she was concerned and checking on me. That put a huge smile on my face. We talked all the way home and for over 30 mins as I was parked. Looking back I spent more time on the phone with her then I would normally on a sat. Mon we were talking while she was on her way to work. When she arrived she read a post about the munch and went into "novel" mode. I knew that she was posting to journal -- when she told me she had I read it. She put her feelings out there and there is no need to rehash them here. We did speak about them some --and Ill leave it at that for now. We are communicating which is the greatest.
cheriegirl: Lust. Caution
the 9 minutes must be recovered! HAHAHAH. i'm not kidding. i will get hold of te 9 minutes!
anyhows, today my inner rebel streak was developed to its fullest potential. we conveniently walked out of school for lunch at j8, without the intention of watching the movie initially, but somehow, we got round to doing so. and i didn't regret it at all. (but i bet Julian did. he realized it was a Chinese movie after the 4 women played mahjong for 4 whole minutes -____________-)
so the movie. wah it is a SUPER slow movie. like Brokeback Mountain. if i was sleepy, i would have slept half the show away. and probably wake up only at the not-even-sex sex scenes. okay i'm kidding. the 'sex' scenes weren't even whatever 'sex' scenes. after they cut it all out.
but, because i was awake the ENTIRE time, the show is actually very intriguing! it is so deep, i was still thinking about it at night. as in the show was still at the forefront of my thoughts. that's why i say my withdrawal symptoms of ANYTHING is very serious one! ><
Julian doesn't think it's deep, but i think so. so whatever hahaha. it was so exciting at some parts! :D and Leehom was just... just. simply. hyperventilatable. really. everytime he came out, my breath was caught. LOL serious! i'm not kidding. i haven't seen Leehom for so long. haha luckily got BFF there to hyperventilate with me lol. okay actually she didn't - only i did, fine -______-
but the ending was so expected yet i didn't expect it. aiya watch it and you'll get what i mean.
after the movie, we adjourned to eat - again. cos it was raining and all. then we laughed so much. we being Oli, HY, Mel and Julian.
then my Comm meeting was cancelled, and so Mummy came to fetch me, and BFF came to my house, since we wanted to continue our delinquent streak.
we watched Secret, and many other shows. Secret is another nice show omg. if i were in the cinema, i would have cried. but i think Lakehouse was nicer. i don't know haha! (:
BFF just went home not too long ago. i need to settle some stuff about the Comm thing, and i really yao shui jiao le.
okay. TYL cannot be such a rebel anymore. TYL cannot let her mood decide her physical actions (eg: ponning) anymore. TYL has to start being a good girl and go to school (except Thurs cos the lessons are really SO bangsai i think i might just kick myself for going) and read her lecture notes.
okay! word of the day: DELINQUENT :D:D
goodnight and byebye! (:
This entry is an acct of the days leading up to and beyond the play party and munch on sat. There are some details but not a blow by blow of the play. I was there I don't need a blow by blow.
Hello folks
There has been something missing from this journal the last few days. I have found it hard to write about the planning for the BB after party. Im not sure why. I mean it would be easy to say it was because I was worried about her reading it. Im not sure if that's the only reason though.
Wed - I got the bag out and cleaned the toys as best I could. I got a spray bottle and used a 1 part bleach 9 part water solution and sprayed everything, and wiped each thing down with a damp cloth. I don't know if that did a perfect job, but it was the best I could do.
Friday - I spoke to babygirl -- really it was sat morning really early and one of the last things she said was that she might play with BD when she saw him. My stomach gets tight just thinking about it now. Sighs - on some level I think the minute I don't care at all with whom she plays or if she plays with others at all will truly be the moment we are done as a couple. When she called on the way to school she found out that her sister wasn't going to be there and she was counting on money from her to be able to go to see BD. She said she wasn't going. I figured that either she would still meet up with her sister or the BD would give her the money or he would meet somewhere close to where she was and they would talk in the car.
I shaved my head that morning and nicked myself pretty good. The day was not starting well. I took the boys to karate and met cindy after for lunch at hometown buffet. After I finished my "first plate" Tyler decided projectile vomiting would be fun, not once not twice, but three times as I rushed him toward the bathroom.
Needless to say my stomach decided it wanted no more food. I soon noticed that in addition to the wall the floor and a waiter or two, tyler had also redecorated my boots. As we were leaving I saw that she had sent a text msg saying that she was there. -- More stomach flops-- We stopped to gas up both cars as we left and decided to get arnett some pants at sears -- in the men's department. No more boys sizes for my "little" man. The trip to the store was typical.
[Insert typical tantrum from arnett here]
[Insert typical insensitive remark from cindy here]
On my way home she pm' ed me again saying she was leaving.
I told her she could call and as I parked we talked for quite a while. It was a hard talk but a good one. It was a very hard talk. I don't think Ill ever be simply "ok" with her playing. I would much rather be able to be there however often our needs required. Once a month, anything would be better than once every couple of yrs and/or someone else putting their hands on her. My feelings aside from what she said then and since it was a good experience for her.
After we spoke I get home and start getting ready -- gotta clean "tyler" off my boots. I manage to loose my keys and get frantic before finding them. When I do get going I run into heavy traffic. It turned out ok though. Babygirl called and we spoke until I got there. A new bit of info, she told me that she got nude when she played. That was hard to hear because it was something that I had said was a limit. I understand -- EVEN IF I STILL DONT LIKE IT -- why though. Finally I arrive at the munch and see lots of friendly faces ,old friends and soon to be friends. I spoke to Vi Johnson -- Im still green enough to get a kick out of her calling me sir. "Ole Girl" is already there talking to Momma Vi. We say hello but its so crowded that we have to sit apart. Another sub sits beside me at my table and we talk until "ole girl" makes her way over to an adjoining table. I excuse myself and sit down to talk to her. I see that she is drinking.
[insert prior talk on topic]
After that is settled its soon time for the play party -- Once there folks are annoyed -- Its a small small place. Most sit around and pout or go home. Slo did a pretty good rope demo -- in a style I really want to use on babygirl so I asked a lot of questions. When it was done "ole girl" and I played. It was very hard to focus at first. I stopped took a deep breath and relaxed. It was a good scene. I think so anyway. Except for the chair someone moved close after I started and snagged the flogger on. That was annoying but funny. When we were done she didn't need much after care. I helped her get her stuff together and we talked a bit and I was on my merry way. I cant ignore the good feelings I had during and after the scene. The one thing that was hard was how deeply I wanted to have sex. Not with "ole girl" just general horniness. I know Im not alone but a good bdsm scene is as good as any porno of raw wild sex.
When I checked my phone I saw that she was concerned and checking on me. That put a huge smile on my face. We talked all the way home and for over 30 mins as I was parked. Looking back I spent more time on the phone with her then I would normally on a sat. Mon we were talking while she was on her way to work. When she arrived she read a post about the munch and went into "novel" mode. I knew that she was posting to journal -- when she told me she had I read it. She put her feelings out there and there is no need to rehash them here. We did speak about them some --and Ill leave it at that for now. We are communicating which is the greatest.
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This entry is an acct of the days leading up to and beyond the play party and munch on sat. There are some details but not a blow by blow of the play. I was there I don't need a blow by blow.
Hello folks
There has been something missing from this journal the last few days. I have found it hard to write about the planning for the BB after party. Im not sure why. I mean it would be easy to say it was because I was worried about her reading it. Im not sure if that's the only reason though.
Wed - I got the bag out and cleaned the toys as best I could. I got a spray bottle and used a 1 part bleach 9 part water solution and sprayed everything, and wiped each thing down with a damp cloth. I don't know if that did a perfect job, but it was the best I could do.
Friday - I spoke to babygirl -- really it was sat morning really early and one of the last things she said was that she might play with BD when she saw him. My stomach gets tight just thinking about it now. Sighs - on some level I think the minute I don't care at all with whom she plays or if she plays with others at all will truly be the moment we are done as a couple. When she called on the way to school she found out that her sister wasn't going to be there and she was counting on money from her to be able to go to see BD. She said she wasn't going. I figured that either she would still meet up with her sister or the BD would give her the money or he would meet somewhere close to where she was and they would talk in the car.
I shaved my head that morning and nicked myself pretty good. The day was not starting well. I took the boys to karate and met cindy after for lunch at hometown buffet. After I finished my "first plate" Tyler decided projectile vomiting would be fun, not once not twice, but three times as I rushed him toward the bathroom.
Needless to say my stomach decided it wanted no more food. I soon noticed that in addition to the wall the floor and a waiter or two, tyler had also redecorated my boots. As we were leaving I saw that she had sent a text msg saying that she was there. -- More stomach flops-- We stopped to gas up both cars as we left and decided to get arnett some pants at sears -- in the men's department. No more boys sizes for my "little" man. The trip to the store was typical.
[Insert typical tantrum from arnett here]
[Insert typical insensitive remark from cindy here]
On my way home she pm' ed me again saying she was leaving.
I told her she could call and as I parked we talked for quite a while. It was a hard talk but a good one. It was a very hard talk. I don't think Ill ever be simply "ok" with her playing. I would much rather be able to be there however often our needs required. Once a month, anything would be better than once every couple of yrs and/or someone else putting their hands on her. My feelings aside from what she said then and since it was a good experience for her.
After we spoke I get home and start getting ready -- gotta clean "tyler" off my boots. I manage to loose my keys and get frantic before finding them. When I do get going I run into heavy traffic. It turned out ok though. Babygirl called and we spoke until I got there. A new bit of info, she told me that she got nude when she played. That was hard to hear because it was something that I had said was a limit. I understand -- EVEN IF I STILL DONT LIKE IT -- why though. Finally I arrive at the munch and see lots of friendly faces ,old friends and soon to be friends. I spoke to Vi Johnson -- Im still green enough to get a kick out of her calling me sir. "Ole Girl" is already there talking to Momma Vi. We say hello but its so crowded that we have to sit apart. Another sub sits beside me at my table and we talk until "ole girl" makes her way over to an adjoining table. I excuse myself and sit down to talk to her. I see that she is drinking.
[insert prior talk on topic]
After that is settled its soon time for the play party -- Once there folks are annoyed -- Its a small small place. Most sit around and pout or go home. Slo did a pretty good rope demo -- in a style I really want to use on babygirl so I asked a lot of questions. When it was done "ole girl" and I played. It was very hard to focus at first. I stopped took a deep breath and relaxed. It was a good scene. I think so anyway. Except for the chair someone moved close after I started and snagged the flogger on. That was annoying but funny. When we were done she didn't need much after care. I helped her get her stuff together and we talked a bit and I was on my merry way. I cant ignore the good feelings I had during and after the scene. The one thing that was hard was how deeply I wanted to have sex. Not with "ole girl" just general horniness. I know Im not alone but a good bdsm scene is as good as any porno of raw wild sex.
When I checked my phone I saw that she was concerned and checking on me. That put a huge smile on my face. We talked all the way home and for over 30 mins as I was parked. Looking back I spent more time on the phone with her then I would normally on a sat. Mon we were talking while she was on her way to work. When she arrived she read a post about the munch and went into "novel" mode. I knew that she was posting to journal -- when she told me she had I read it. She put her feelings out there and there is no need to rehash them here. We did speak about them some --and Ill leave it at that for now. We are communicating which is the greatest.
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disolucion: Ugh..
Yes, I'm going to be 'selfish'. You know what? I don't give a shit anymore, I really don't. I dont give a shit about the bitch who's pregnant with my love's kid. I don't care about the child at all and I'll keep my thoughts on it to myself. I'm not in the mood to hear someone bitch at me for speaking my miind. Learn to accept that people (not just me) DONT CARE about it, her, or the situation. Anyone who pities HER, is supporting her, and supporing that.. illigitimate child, you're a dumbass little prick. Hello? What about me? I'm the victim, she is not. The fact that everyone passes it off as okay, and either pities him or pities her is fucking bullshit. Don't pity her; she did it to herself, don't pity him; he did it to himself. I'm sorry, but what the fuck is up with everyone's sense of morality? I HATE that almost everyone that knows about it was lik "Oh yeah I already knew" or "Oh well" about it. Nobody is takig my side, and nobody is taking care of ME. They pay preg bitch more attention than me, when i'm the one that got fucked over and lied to for two years straight, and treated like shit. What the fuck? You feel bad for the bitch that knew he was dating me but fucked him anyway? There's a little something wrong with that, i'm sorry. You'e messed up in the head if you think otherwise. As far as i'm concerned: that kid won't ever be as smart, cute, lovable, or loving as one I would make. Sorry if that seems stupid to you, but it's the 100% truth. Caedon will never be able to compare, and his mother thinking so is really sad. At least my children will be wanted, and won't be accidents, and won't be desperate attempts to cling to people that aren't mine. Oh, and my children won't be subjected to any bullshit, and she's a big walking pile of shit, imo. It's like I don't exist to anyone until THEY need to talk. Fuck that, fuck you. If you're stupid enough to be supportive of reanna and the kid that shouldn't be existing at all, delete yourself from my friends list now. You obviously don't give a shit about me like you say and you have no place in my life. Think i'm bitter? Hell yes i'm bitter. Think i'm pathetic? Good for you. I think if you're stuck in some bullshit depression and cutting yourself, drugging, drinking, or whatever else; you're a deadbeat and are going to get absolutely nowhere anyway. Get over yourself, it's NOT that bad, and move on with your life you ignorant, arrogant wannabe-adults. STOP bitching. STOP crying. STOP dragging your feet and start doing something. All of you. There's no way you can say you're feeling worse than I have for the last 10 months. Fuck that, fuck you.
verinvaldez: Rilo Kiley's "Under the Blacklight"
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1 means you strongly diasgree; 10 means you strongly agree.
erdbeerbox: CROWS ZERO
OGURI Shun spielt als TAKIYA Genji die Hauptrolle. Neben ihm wird auch YAMADA Takayuki dabei sein. Wer YAMADA aus Serien wie Sekai no chuushin de Ai wo sakebu, Byakuyakou und Taiyou no Uta kennt, wird vielleicht etwas überrascht sein, ihn nun in einer ganz anderen Rolle zu sehen: Er spielt SERIZAWA Tamao, den Anführer einer brutalen Schul-Gang. Für zart beseitete Seelen ist der Film bestimmt nichts, ist Regisseur MIIKE Takashi doch bekannt für äuÃerst blutige Filme wie Ichi the Killer oder Audition. Andererseits wäre der Film kein schlechter Einstieg. Erst vor kurzem habe ich einen Artikel über das neue Ideal des japanischen Mannes gelesen und dabei erfahren: Böse ist sexy. Genannt wird das Ganze ??????? - das ist eine Wortneuschöpfung aus dem japanischen Wort für "schlecht" und der Bezeichnung für "Coolness".
Der Film wird am 27. Oktober anlaufen. In Japan selbstverständlich. :-(
softly_sweetly: Fic: 'What Neville Did' 9/10 KS/NL NC17
Author -
Beta - Thank you!
Rating - NC17
Word Count - 852
Characters/Pairings - Kingsley/Neville
Warnings - Highlight for warnings *Adult Language, Slash, Voyeurism, Wall!Sex, Frottage*
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - Neville and Kingsley make the ultimate commitment to each other â they go into business together
Author's Notes - This fic is told using the prompts from my table, which can be found here Missed the beginning? Go here to play catch up. Prompt 2 â Voyeurism Taking a deep breath, Neville pushed open the door and smiled as he was engulfed in the laughter and voices of his friends. This had been Kingsley's idea â a shop-warming party before they put the stock out and opened up for real. And Neville had to admit, nerves aside, it was a good one. Their shop would be opened on a wave of high spirits, on the memory of their friends and family laughing and chatting, drinking butterbeer and skittles-vodka shots, eating canapés and sweets. As he moved through the room talking with people he knew, Neville felt his apprehension slide away. He and Kingsley had worked hard for this, and they'd be all right. Everything would be all right, and if he repeated that silent mantra enough, then eventually the last little ball of worry would fade away and Neville would truly be happy. As he was talking to Hermione about her job in the Ministry's law department, he felt strong arms slide around his waist, and watched as Hermione smiled softly and excused herself. As soon as they were stood alone, soft lips found that one spot on his neck that had Neville humming in ecstasy, and attacked it with fervour. He moved his hands to rest over Kingsley's and smiled, enjoying the attention for another minute or so before finally pulling away and turning to face his lover. "Enjoying yourself?" Hazel eyes lit up, and Kingsley nodded softly. "Very much. Even more so with you in my arms." Neville smiled and moved closer to Kingsley, smiling as they began to move to the beat of the music, swaying gently together until they were interrupted by George yelling across the room. "Oi, Nev! Alcohol's getting low!" Shaking his head in exasperation, Neville shook his head and leant up to kiss Kingsley softly. "Better go be a good host. We'll enjoy ourselves when they're all gone, okay?" Kingsley nodded, spanking Neville softly on the arse as his lover walked past him and towards the cellar. ~~~~~~~~~~ Neville had been halfway down the stairs when he remembered that the rest of the alcohol was stored outside. Doubling back on himself, he headed out into the back alley, groping around blindly as his eyes got accustomed to the dark. They really needed to fit a light into the back room, so that when they went out into the alley at night theyâd have some light to see by. As it was, Neville's eyes were slowly adjusting, and he headed to where he remembered the box of alcohol being, stopping dead in his tracks as he heard a familiar voice, hoarse and catching in the still night. "Gods⦠fuck, Draco, harder!" The response was a grunt, and Neville put a hand out to the wall to steady himself as he focused on the two vague figures further down the alleyway. The only thing he could make out for sure was the shock of white blonde hair that automatically identified Draco Malfoy, and the whimpers in a voice that was unmistakably Harry Potter. Neville knew he should go back inside, but the thrill of knowing that two people were having sex mere feet from him, blissfully unaware that they were being watched, had him frozen to the spot. He felt a familiar heat in his groin, and bit his lips together so that he didn't make a sound, didnât interrupt the wet, grazing sounds and the pretty little whimpers. He'd always assumed Harry was the top, but from the sound of things the brunette was in fact a glorious little bottom, keening and yelping as Draco stayed strong and silent but for grunts of exertion. If it hadn't been for the hand that clamped over his mouth, Neville would have cried out when he was grabbed from behind, and given himself away to the copulating couple. Instead, his noise was silenced by a familiar hand, a familiar erection digging into his back as Neville was moved back into the shop. When the door was shut, Neville found himself pinned to the wall, Kingsley frotting against him frantically, insinuating a thigh between Neville's and applying just the right amount of pressure. "Dirty little pervert." Neville whimpered and moved to capture Kingsley's lips in a kiss, moving with the older man and yelping into Kingsley's mouth as he came, feeling his lover twitch with orgasm mere moments later. As Neville pulled away to explain himself, he caught sight of George stood smirking in the doorway. "Guess you haven't found the alcohol yet." The irritating Weasley was gone before either Neville or Kingsley could retort, leaving the two of them stood in the back room, blushing faintly. "I was⦠uh⦠I didn't mean to." "Shouldnât have sex in alleys if they don't want to be seen. Come on, back to the party." Nodding, Neville followed Kingsley back into the main shop, studiously avoiding George's smirking gaze, and the slightly flushed and chirpy Harry and Draco that rejoined the main room some ten minutes later. Though Neville did file something away for later action â he and Kingsley had yet to christen the alleyway outsideâ¦