вторник, 16 октября 2007 г.

my_ancient_eyes: I wonder what she looks like. . . naked. I mean-- I wonder what she cooks like . . . naked.

I don't know how but class revolved around sex yet again.  Some guy brought up "freaks" and what is considered normal sexual behavior.  I think that we'd be able to come up with a definition if everyone was more comfortable talking about their kinks.  Of course amongst a group of people, I am not so I said nothing.  What is the relevance of that anyway?  It's called preference for a reason.  It has nothing to do with normal.  Anyway, it was pretty funny and I am scheduled to run lines with Farrington tomorrow during my break.  He said "During the last show, Terri locked me in a room and slapped me around until I learned my lines.  And I want you to do it again."  Ah the jokes, the jokes.  

Also, I don't know why I feel like crap today.  Sinuses I reckon but still.  My head is so congested and everything aches.  Don't like it at all.  Nor do I like having a denist appointment tomorrow with a guy I don't know . . . bahh dentists.  

Guys at the other side of the room are talking about ladies . . It's really annoying and piggy. 

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