Milo grows up on 'Heroes' posted by Challenges and Ficathons
announces Chapter Thirteen: The Fix // challenge.
announces challenge 47 Fanfic: gen
Love, Angie [Angela, her parents, Dallas, PG] by
Nothing Is As It Seems [11/?] [Sylar, Mohinder, Heather, PG-13] by
Mistake [Sylar, Sarah Ellis, PG-13] by
Hidden [HRG, Claude, G] by
No Catherine of Aragon [Angela, Dallas, PG-13] by Fanfic: het
Souljacker [1/?] [Peter/Claire, Peter/Nathan, Peter/Claude, Peter/Sylar, R] by
All is Full of Love [Claire/Kensei, PG-13] by
When it Changed [Claire/HRG, PG-13] by
Not the Same [1/?] [Claire/Peter, PG] by
Disarm you with a Smile [Claire/West, Claire/Peter, Claire/Sylar, R] by Fanfic: slash
Voulez-vous couchez avec moi? [2/3] [Sylar/Mohinder, PG] by
An Unexpected Caller [Matt/Sylar, R] by
Souljacker [1/?] [Peter/Nathan, Peter/Claude, Peter/Sylar, Peter/Claire R] by
Hiding From You [Peter/Nathan, PG-13] by
No Matter of Chance [Mohinder/Nathan/Starbuck/Gaeta, NC-17] by & [Crossover with Battlestar: Galactica]
We Become Strangers, You and I [20/?] [Peter/Claude, PG-13] by
Making a Mark [Peter/Nathan, PG-13/R] by
Seeking the Beginning [Matt/Mohinder, Molly, PG] by
Forgive Me (Not) [Peter/Sylar, PG-13] by
Peter's Diary Version 2.0 [3/?] [Peter/Claude, PG-13] by
Sojourn [Matt/Mohinder, PG13] by
Defining Devotion [Nathan/Peter, 17+] by
Worthy One [Sylar/Sylar, R] by [spoilers for 2x03] Icons
[30] Hayden Icons in a multifandom post by
[16] Hayden Icons in a multifandom post by
[54] Heroes Icons by
[9] Heroes Icons in a multifandom post by
[37] Heroes Icons (Hayden & Milo) by
[13] Hayden and Zach icons in a multifandom post by
[20] Heroes icons in a multifandom post by
[5+requests] Heroes Icons in a multifandom post by
[3] Heroes Cast Icons in a multifandom post by
[39] Heroes Icons by
[10] Heroes Icons in a multifandom post by
[84] Heroes Icons by
[7] Heroes Icons in a multifandom post by
[6] Heroes Icons in a multifandom post by
[11] Heroes Icons in a multifandom post by
[16] Zach Icons by
[260] Heroes Icons by
[9] Hayden Icons in a multifandom post by
[28] Heroes Icons in a multifandom post by
[14] Heroes Episode & Cast Icons in a multifandom post by
[10] Heroes Icons in a multifandom post by
[16] Heroes Icons by
[21] Heroes Cast Icons and [6] Sendhil * Milo Icons by Reaction Posts
posts the weekly reaction post Fanart
Sketch of Greg, Sendhil and Zach by
[1] Heroes Banner in a multifandom post by Pictures
Niki & Peter [Milo & Ali] picspam by
Behind the scenes at 3x03 posted by
A Sylar picspam by
Adrian Pasdar PicSpam by
[9] Hi-Res pics posted by [spoilers for 2x05] multimedia
Clips from 3x03 posted by Miscellaneous
posts links to her fics
posts a Caption!Game
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