вторник, 9 октября 2007 г.


I've beeen doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that lately... i dont really know what the this and that are but.. yeah i havent really had a routine life this days.
Ups and Downs. On Friday I forced myself to go out and it turned into alot of fun actually. watched " who then now" and the first family values tour on VHS. so goood. Saturday was fun Danced and was awesome.. so good. PINTS all night. Sunday i was lame... and i watched the Law and Order Criminal Intent Marathon.
and it was awesome. Very awesome. I love Vincent Dinofrio.(sp) Monday.. was girls night.. basically smoked to get high.. hung out..comfy..photoboothed it up..talked..watch an araon carter music video and all the korn music videos.... then it was off to delilahs... saw dan! and hung out with him and michele,kevin and jd. i am really domestic and i love cooking and watching jonathan davis on OnDemand, so yeah if anyone wants me to cook for them during this month of october lets get together. Hopefully you have OnDemand. im going in and out of funks lately.. i feel like i am going back to my helpless days.. boo. Anywho tomorrow i am gonna get to go to the Art Institute..talk about what i love. Then Interview at steve Madden.... i am kinda stressed so if anyone wants to get a beer or two tomorrow night..I'd really like to unwind.I know that sounds lame but whatever. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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