четверг, 4 октября 2007 г.


i screwed mr right over, and i'm with mr. might-be-probably-is-wrong now. i'm working 40+ hours a week at a job that's supposed to be PART TIME. i might be getting keys to the store. no big responsibility there. my maybenotsoright boyfriend and i got a dog.
his name is dozer.
he is a brindle pitbull. my parents hate my boyfriend.
but he is cute.
and we cuddle and watch southpark with our puppy. i haven't smoked green stuff in god knows how long, but i feel like i'm getting asthma because of the amount of cigarettes i smoke. i haven't written anything of substance in like, four months. i have work in nine hours but i have to be up in six. my brother joined cub scouts and looks adorable in his uniform. my stepdad occasionally says "i love you, too" when we hang up the phone. i haven't broken my sidekick yet. i keep spending money that i'm supposed to be saving to get a car. i'm nineteen. i should have a car already. i am going to see all time low and boys like girls on october 23rd with stefie adorable face. jordan is letting me borrow his car and we are going to have a blast like nothing you know, duh.
i spent 55 dollars on these tickets combined because of stupid entertainment tax, so this show had better be pretty damn entertaining.

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